July 2, 2024
Spread the love

By Nelson Wachira

The social media campaign that has been going on claiming that the Nairobi Hospital is collapsing are malicious, untrue and false. I and my team of investigative bloggers and journalists have been coducting under cover investigations just to find out what really is happening in one of Africa’s best hospital facilites. But before we give you a detailed blow by blow story of who is behind these negative campaign, our spies have found out the following things about the Nairobi hospital:


The Nairobi Hospital Performance Rate Card

  1. The hospital’s finance base is sound and it has never taken loans. For all the projects being done, the hospital uses its own funds generated internally. For instance, in May 2024 alone, revenue hit almost Kshs 1.4 billion shillings. – FACT!
  2. Since January 2024, the bed occupancy is on average 80%. No hospital in Nairobi has bitten this record. In fact in March 2024, the bed occupancy hit 100% something that had never been achieved in many years. External governance audits are saying very positive things about the quality of patient care and welfare at the hospital.  – FACT!
  3. All consultant doctors for the Hospital had been paid their dues worth Kshs 2.3 billion for up to end of May 2024. Since Mr Nyamungo took over as CEO in 2021, payments to ASA doctors has been increasing as follows: 2021 (kshs 1.3 billion); 2022 (Kshs 1.6 billion); 2023 (1.7 billion); 2024 (over Kshs 700 million has already been paid by end of May). Any students of statistics will tell you that the Hospital has been performing very well under Nyamongo and Dr Bichange’s leadership. – FACT!
  4. Nairobi Hospital is the only hospital in Kenya that pays their doctors twice a month. – FACT!
  5. Staff salaries at Nairobi Hospital get paid by 24thof every month. Management has also recently introduced a low-interest car loan and mortgage facility for staff members. The staff morale is also high and they are happy, motivated and going about their duties and obligations despite the distractions on social media.  – FACT!
  6. Becouse of this track record, the Nairobi Hospital has won two major global excellence awards. First is a global CSR award it won last October in Lisbon Portugal organised by the international Hospital Federation (IHF) and the other is the Outstanding Leadership Award won in Brussels Belgium this year in March by the  European Society for Quality Research. This are international excellence awards which no African hospital has won in history.

From this facts, and there are many more, one question lingers in the mind of anyone who has the welfare of our patients at heart: IS THE NAIROBI HOSPITAL  A HOSPITAL THAT IS COLLAPSING WITH ALL THIS SUCCESSES? The answer is a BIG NO. Ironically, the people behind this negative smeer campaign are benefittng from this success indicators we have just listed above.

Who is behind the negative campaign against the Nairobi Hospital?

When Chinua son of Achebe from Nigeria wrote Things Fall Apart in 1960, he says in the book that a toad does not jump in broad daylight for no reason. As an undercover investigative journalist with good record and clendetials for that matter, today I want to name for you the toad, and also go ahead and tell you why this toad is jumping in daylight instead of enjoying his retirement. In the last several months, you have seen a few blogs about the Nairobi hospital and alleged malpractices in this well known hospital in East and Central Africa. My team and I decided to go secretly to just find out what is happening there and all our queries revolved around one name: Dr Irungu Ndirangu who is the immediate former chairman of the board of directors. He is the one who has recruited and bankrolled some board members and senior staff to sabotange the current management lead by mr james Nyamungo who is the CEO and Dr Christopher Bichange who is the chairman of the Board of directors.

In our earlier story, we told you why Dr Ndirangu is a worried man. First, please know that he was voted out unanimously as board chairman in September last year when Dr Bichange won the election. It is important to also say that all his cronies and henchmen were also defeated in the same election and a new team of forward looking and visionery individuals were voted into office. Immediately this happened, Dr Ndirangu was overheard telling his long time friend and fellow freemason Dr JA Aluoch that he will never sleep until Bichange and his team fails. Is this the man this great hospital  had ttrusted with running its affairs for 3 years? No wonder during this time, he ruled with an iron feast and corruption was the order of the day. His word was law and he never allowed Dr Bichange to serve in any of the board committees because dR Bichange is a fierce defender of the rule of law. We have also found out that Dr Bichange, a former Member of Parliament for Nyaribari Chache also no nonsense and tough-headed like the late Simeon Nyachae from whom he took over as MP for Nyaibari Chache. Bitter with several board members including Hon Philemon Mwaisaka for voting him out as chairman, Dr Irungu has stopped attending to his patients in his ENT clinic and is now busy holding meetings with busybodies with the aim of dragging names of respectable board members in the mud. He and his bunch of cronies are now saying the Nairobi Hospital board in rogue! The true picture is that it is Dr Irungu who has been rogue over the last 3 years when he was board chairman and below you are gong to see how rogue he is and his allies.

Dr Irungu has no idea that soon, and very soon, he will remain in that mud himself when elections come in September. We recently sent a spy to him to whom he vowed that he will never sleep until Dr Bichange and his board vice chairman Commissioner Philemon Mwaisaka are budled out of the Nairobi Hospital board. Never mind that unlike Irungu, Bichange has doctorate in governance and leadership and has held executive leadership positions in prestigious firms such as StanChart, Unilever, Cooperative bank of Kenya, Coffee Board of Kenya, among others. On other hand, Mwaisaka is Kenya’s most experienced public servant having worked in government for nearly 50 years as District Commissioner, High Commissioner, Permanent Secretary and Commissioner with Commission on Implementation of New Constitution. This are the brains, and several others, who are leading the Nairobi Hospital board of directors yet Dr Irungu despises them thinking that he is the only one who went to school.

But who is this Dr Irungu who has given medical doctors and the military (where he served but left with a low rank of major) such a bad name? As for his proffessional profile which he has defaecated on, please make use of google because today, I want to give you what google doesn’t give. He is well known within his cirlces as a devoted freemason with his greedy friend Dr JA Aluoch. These two, together with a bunch of other misguided medics led by Dr Frank Mwongera (who killed multiparty hero Hon Kenneth Matiba by injecting him with poison), Dr Edwin Rono (the tax evador who brought Nairobi club to its knees), Dr Byakika Timothy (the Ugandan fugitive who has huge KRA tax arrears and whose wife is a medical doctor with a string of extra-marital affairs. She gets laid even in her clinic’s toilet yet the husband is busy with negative activities to bring down the hospital. Take care of your wife ssebo or else young and energetic doctors will continue help you do it), Dr Luka Musau (a Moi error medic who medically murdered many prisoners of the mind),  among others  think that they are the only ones who went to university. The idiots have no idea that millions of Kenyans have gone to school and can lead and manage big institution like the Nairobi Hospital. It is Dr Irungu who ruled with a veery heavy hand as chairman who has now been reduced to holding fake board meetings in hotels with a bunch of misguided board (mis)directors instead of taking care of his grandchildren.

It is good for you to know that when Irungu was elected chairman of the hospital Board, he quickly dismantled the nursing division administration to create way for his long term girlfriend Mary Kamau who is now the director nursing services. Ms kamau was in Coptic hospital (which cannot be compared with Nairobi hospital) and she has less expertise and experience compared with the nurses currently working at Nairobi Hospital who has masters degrees and even doctorate degrees. These nurses have rich CV’s and profiles and have served in various boards and even took part in various policy development initiatives that Mary can only read about in the newspapers.  Then he walks around the hospital with a sly smile thinking that we don’t know this?

Creation of an Illegal Post of Chief Operations Officer by Dr Irungu & His Cronies

As if this is not enough, as chairman Dr Irungu went further to recruit a good-for-nothing brat by the name Miseda as chief operating officer (COO) whose main role in the last 6 months is to coordinate and write very negative things in blogs about the hospital so that it appears that it is collapsing. If the Nairobi Hospital is doing badly, why is Miseda and Dr Ilungu Ndirangu very desperate to lead it? If a woman is ugly, sick and stinking, why fight to have her in bed? Miseda was a mere accounts clerk with Triple O who goes round saying he is an advocate of the high court of Kenya. He is not. He only has a law degree and a quick glace at his executive profile, he does not come near being a member of the senior management team of the hospital leave alone being a COO. But because of his past sins of commission (he is an excited villager who blindly executes tasks without thinking through) and omission (because his friends and agemates call him an educated fool), Dr Irungu illegally hired him as COO in gross violation of the Hospital’s human resource policy on recruitment. The post is not on the hospital’s organizational structure but Irungu bulldosed  and hired miseda so that he can take over from Nyamongo who Irungu had planned to kick out by December 2023. Wait a minute, does it make sence to have the position of Chief Operations Officer when the Hospital has a director of Operations? How different were their roles? Besides that, Dr Irungu had no idea that he was dealing with a clueless dude in Miseda who will go to a pub in Lavington during evenings and brag that it was just a matter of time before he was announced as the new CEO of the Nairobi Hospital. Well, he has waited and waited  until his wife is now reportedly tired of the Dubai trip he promised her when the ‘major announcement’ was going to come from his friend irungu. Remember the hynena that kept following a person thinking that the hand was going to fall off so that the hyena can have a meal? That is Miseda for you. We now have reliable information that Miseda bribed Dr Irungu with Kshs 7 million which he borrowed from his wife who is a major contractor in Homa Bay, Migori and Kisumu counties where she has been paid severally for non-existent projects and now auditors have exposed them. In addition to the 7 million bribe to Dr Irungu for the COO job, Miseda was to add another Kshs 13 million upon being appointed CEO Nairobi hospital. In fact Miseda was so sure of irungu’s promises that some time this year, he illegally received Kisumu governor Anyang Nyongo and took him to his office instead of the CEO’s office. He told the good prof, who was coming to grace a cancer awareness event in Nairobi hospital, that he was the acting CEO of this great facility. When finally, the real CEO Nyamongo appeared at the event, Miseda went to the toilet and later vanished from the function. Miseda did not stop there. With firm support from Dr Irungu, he formed a sprinter group of the hospital’s senior management team to fight Nyamongo. Little did he know that from within his sprinter group, Nyamongo used to get regular updates from a senior lady who pretended to play along the doomed Miseda highway. In Miseda’s faction of senior managers were Dr Margaret Sirima, principal school of nursing, Mary kamau, director nursing services, Shammah Kitome, Davis Musau and Audrey Onsomu. Miseda and this team used to hold night meetings in Panafric hotel plotting how to take over the reigns of the hospital leadership. Miseda even has an unpaid bill of Kshs 66,000 at Panafric after lying that he was holding top level hospital meetings. As a disguise from Dr Irungu, Dr Sirima was fronted at some point as the acting CEO when Nyamongo was to be sent away so that Miseda can be confirmed after hurried interviews were to be arranged by Irungu. The nurses at the Hospital will tell you that Dr Sirima is a tribal chauvinist, toxic and discriminates people a lot. She is famous for relentlessly fighting the Kenya Registered Community Health Nurses (KRCHN) saying they are not qualified to be recognized by the nursing council of Kenya yet the National Nurses association of Kenya has confirmed that KRCHN nurses possess broad skills that enable them to work in hospital and community settings making them highly adaptable to various healthcare environments such as the Nairobi hospital. In fact the nursing association confirms that the Kenya Registered nurses (KRN) are only specialised in providing care within hospital settings. So nurses are wondering why is Dr sirima fighting the KRCHN nurses emplyed at nairobi Hospital?

Back to Miseda, now that his contract ended, he is hovering over the hospital fence waiting to be hired again because dr Irungu has told him he is pushing for him to be brought back. He is still holding meetings at Panafric hotel meeting the likes of tribal war lordes for hire such as Dr David Otieno (the idiot who has fought every nairobi hospital management regime while all his colleagues know that he cannot run even a fish kiosk in dala where he comes from. For this educated fool by the name Dr David Otieno, if you are not a luo, you are a nobody. Chieth!), Irungu Ndirangu himself, Dr Samwel Owinga, Dr Joe Rituri, Dr Byakika – the Ugandan good for nothing chap who keeps on abusing the Nairobi Hospital management because all corruption avenues for him and Irungu have been stopped by dr Bichange and CEO Nyamongo. Why can’t he go to Uganda and practice medicne there if he is not happy in Kenya? Why can’t Dr Byakika take care of his sexually-starved wife who is moving with young doctors left centre right? Let him know that we can also get dirty! Dr Samwel Owinga is known to lick Dr JA Aluoch’s ass at the slightest profocation. He has also recruited his friend Dr Olang to the club of doctors that lick Dr JA Aluoch’s ass. Dr Olang’s career is to call people who are not luos thieves yet in all evaluation tender committees in the nairobi hospital, it is luos who sit and chair them as follows: Dr Nicodemus Odongo (Director Strategy and innovation); Mr Antipas Nyambok (Director of Operations); Dr Felix Osano (Director for Supply Chain/Procurement); Dr Samuel Odede (Director Medical services and Research), among others. The idiotic doctors by the name Dr Owinga, Dr Olang and Dr Otieno will spread mis-information that Kisii mafia has taken over the hospital yet the top four Nairobi hospital executives are from the same village near Lake Victoria – and no Kisii has complained. Daktari bwana, check your facts or else we will get extremely dirty since you have decided to play dirty!

Idle the whole day since his contract ended, Miseda has now resorted to working with a known blogger and a bunch of his friends from the splinter group to cause mayhem and spoil the name of the Nairobi hospital. His days are numbered, we can now report. The traps that have been placed on his way are much stronger than the ones DP Riggy G had placed in State House to trap Raila. If Miseda and his Luo doctor friends were genuine about good governance in Nairobi hospital, why did they keep quiet when Dr Irungu urinated on the procurement process of HMIS/ERP to award his briefcase company Dynamic NAV and the hospital was going to loose over one billion shillings? Is it because luos were going to be the beneficiaries from the racket now that Dr JA Aluoch’s nephew is the one who runs this briefcase outfit called Dynamic Nav? We have been wondering if you luos are educated the way you boast on the corridors of the hospital, why couldn’t you get a company that has a good experience in IT systems and push it through your friend Dr Irungu? You mean Dr Irungu can make all of you look this foolish yet you say you went to Alliance and Makerere? My foot!

Recruitment of the Director ICT, Director Finance and Director HR at Nairobi Hospital

With all this, is Dr Irungu the right person to tell us that the recent recruitment of Hospital’s ICT Director, Finance Director and Human Resource Director were irregular? Before he does this, can he do what Jesus said – remove the log in your eye first before you remove from another person’s eye? If he hired Miseda and his girlfried Mary the way we have explained above, who is he now to lecture people about how people are hired? But for the record, the three directors (who we are told are young and brilliant) were hired in accordance with the Hospital’s HR policy but remember irungu does not respect policies. He thinks that Nairobi Hospital is a cattle dip in his village in Nyeri and that is why they always differed with CEO Nyamongo. Give it to him, nyamongo follows the law and policies as it is. When the three directors were hired recently, The hospital outsourced FKE to shortlist the best candidates which they did. When the list came, Dr Irungu realised that his preferred candidates were not shortlisted and since he was used to hiring people the way he had hired Miseda and Mary, he wanted to add his candidates to the short list but other board members lead by the chairman dr Bichange said no. He bribed Herman Manyora (the one lies to the world that he is a professor when he is not. He doesn’t even have a PhD); Ludmilla Shitakha (the Russian spy masquerading as a naturalized Kenyan  – we are soon revealing more about this woman who is feeding the Russians with a lot of anti-government stuff with a view to distabilising the country which is part of why the Gen-Z protests are happening); and Dr Githanga (who now wants to outsmart irungu and become the next board Chairman) who agreed to recently hold a fake board meeting in an eatery to pass a vote of no confidence in Dr Bichange because of following the HR policy on recruitment! Seriously? Instead of going round in circles shouting that the policy was not followed, let Dr Irungu come out openly and address the world and say which sections of the HR policy was not followed in hiring the ICT Director, Finance director and the HR Director. We know that Dr Irungu and policies do not share a bed but let him point out the specific clauses that were violated from the HR policy instead of hiring a cheap blogger to quote from a fake Nairobi Hospital policy distorting facts. Can this military man know that other people can also fight dirty wars? Did he even fight any real war in the military?  For heavens sake, can he let the young Kenyans who have been hired to serve their country in peace? All those people who met at a hotel in Nairobi hospital in a fake board meeting should be ashamed of themleves. They are the last people to cast stones that the recruitment process that gave the hospital brilliant young and suave professionals who will carry the vision of the institution forward.

In all fairness, why would 80-year-olds introduce fitina or muchene in a rectrruitment process that benefits young professionals to assist the hospital grow? If Dr irungu is convinced that the law was not followed in this recruitment (as if he followed it when he hired Miseda and his girl friend Mary), let him go to court. Otherwise, just like his children are working out there to eke out a living, he and his team of octogenarians who met at daily caffe should let other people’s children also work to serve this county in peace instead of treating this country with tired tribal lines. If they don’t do this, then their lives will be made deliberately difficult in this town. Just like his governor said recently in Nyeri, kama mbaya mbaya!  Why is DR Irungu spreading scandalous rumors that kisiis have taken over the nairobi Hospital? In any case what is wrong if they do because the kisiis who have been hired are recruited on merit where the right policies are followed! The ones on the Board are all elected and nobody takes themsleves to the board! In any case, did Irungu complain when kikuyus dominated the hospital for many years? Did his friend Dr JA Aluoch complain when luos dominated the hospital for many years and making massive losses? Do these Wazees think non-Kikuyus and non-luos are children of a lesser God in this country? Even as dr Irungu is telling everyone he meets in clubs that Kisiis have taken over the hospital, he is the one who hired mr Nyamongo when he was board chairman. But as these rubbish is being spread, here are the real facts that we have dug out. In Nairobi hospital staff currently, Kikuyus are 32%, followed by Luos who are 15% followed by Luhyas who are 13%. This means that 3 communities comprise of over 60% of all staff in Nairobi hospital. Where are kisiis in these statistics? If you want to verify, please call the HR department!

The Luo Doctors

Just to reveal to you how negative ethinicity can rock a promising institution, under the leadership and Dr JA Aluoch, a bunch of luo doctors (I am sure all of us know that most luo professionals especially doctors think they are the only ones who went to school) came together and hatched what they called a clever plan to bring down the nairobi Hospital because a luo is not a CEO. They agreed to push the Hospital to purchase very expensive equipment which they knew very well will not be utilised then turn around and blame Nyamungo and Dr Bichange of poor management decisions. Our investigations found out that despite significant investments amounting to almost Kshs 700 million in advanced and modern equipment such as the Biplane Cath Lab and a Neuro Operating Microscope, these assets are currently underutilised at 1%! The Luo doctors have vowed not to refer patients to the Hospital to use this machines. Is this how bright people operate? And when you meet them on the corridors, they tell you ‘you know I went to Alliance, I went to Mang’u, I went to Makerere, etc. Bure kabisa! If you went to Alliance or Mang’u or Makerere, then behave well and let patients be healed through your acts of humanity. Don’t tell us about where you went to school, we all did and that is why we are working in different sectors of life. And even as Dr JA Aluoch leads a campaign saying that a luo CEO is what the Nairobi hospital needs, and he keeps saying that luos have been sidelined in the hospital’s top leadership, The Nairobi Hospital’s top leadership is dominated by luos as follows:

  1. Dr Nicodemus Odongo (Director Strategy and innovation);
  2. Mr Antipas Nyambok (Director of Operations);
  3. Dr Felix Osano (Director for Supply Chain/Procurement);
  4. Dr Samuel Odede (Director Medical services and Research

Surely, even if one was the 21st century’s worst fool, will they still argue that luos are sidelined in this Hospital? And from our sources, this four professionals from the lake are dong their jobs very well and professionally. It is the octogenarian by the name DR JA Aluoch (and his friend Dr Irungu) who are introducing 19th century manangement tips in a 21st century hospital. Dr Aluoch please stop lying to Miseda, Dr David Otieno, Dr Sam Owinga, and Dr Olang that they are special and briliant. They are not. If they were brilliant, they will not be conducting there business on blogs but should have been busy laying plans on how to win a genuine ASA elections. Wazee Dr JA Aluoch and Dr Irungu tafadhali funga virago mwende nyumbani. You have done your part.

2023 Board Chairman Elections and the Cancelled Kshs 1 billion Shillings Tender

Upon further investigations, I also came to know why Dr Irungu is so bitter, even with himself for not winning the post of chairman in the September last year. Two projects where he has been outmanouevred by forces of good come to mind: The ICT project and the Security gadgets project by Opticom. Last time, we told you how he unsuccessfully tried to bulldose and have his briefcase company Dynamic Nav get awarded the Kshs 1 billion HMIS/ERP ICT tender in the Nairobi Hospital. When the management tender committee awarded ICT Health Solutions the tender, he immediately suspended the hospital procurement policy to create a way for Dynamic Nav to be given this lucrative tender. Where on earth does a procurement policy get suspended to pave way for corruption? In fact this is a matter that DCI needs to be invited to investigate. Despite Dynamic Nav terribly failing the technical and financial evaluations (they quoted over Kshs 1 billion shillings while ICT Health Solutions quoted only Kshs 400 million), Dr Irungu forced his way and had Dynamic Nav awarded even after failing the site visit test in Pretoria South Africa where Irungu himself attended and saw for himself the third rate back street clinic with 6 beds where Dynamic Nav claimed to have offered ICT services through their South African partner  GoodX Enterprises. This is to say that because of Dr Irungu, the hospital lost millions of shillings in a useless trip to South Africa when he knew very well that his briefcase company Dynamic Nav had no capacity to offer this ICT service to the hospital. How evil can Irungu get? Before the contract was signed in August 2023, Dr Irungu and his cabal of thugs in the Board received Kshs 100 million as kickbacks from Dynamic Nav. And now that God intervened and this award was cancelled because Dynamic Nav could not present a bank performance guarantee from a reputable tier one bank, Dr Irungu and his friends have been spending sleepless nights because Dynamic Nav have demanded their money back! Now you can see why he is jumping in the broad daylight like Chinua Ajebe’s toad in Things Falling Apart. Someone called Dynamic Nav is after Dr Irungu’s life so he has to fight and create the impression that the process is still under arbitration and Dynamic Nav will eventually be given the business. When this tender was re-advertised recently is when hell broke loose for Dr Irungu and his cronnies. THEY MUST NOW REFUND THE KSHS 100 MILLION THAT THEY TOOK AS ADVANCE KICKBACK FROM BYNAMIC NAV.

Let Dr Ilungu Ndirangu and his cronies know that the process of procurement that is now underway for the ICT project will be transparent and above board. The information our bird gave us is that there are plans to even invite ASA members (consultant doctors) and Board of Directors for the hospital to attend the practical demonstrations from the firms that are bidding for the job, something that Irungu could not do when he forced his briefcase company Dynamic Nav. We pray that he lives long to see how good governance is practiced. By now Dr Irungu should know that he is not as smart as he thinks. If he was, he will still be chairman.  But the ground shifted a long time ago and the only saying he needs to look at every morning is this one: ‘fools carry themselves as brains encounter brains!’

In our next episode of this drama at Nairobi hospital, we will give you another reason why Dr Irungu is jumping in broad daylight like the proverbial toad. This is the security gadgets tender where he was pushing his company by the name Opticom and things have backfired on him badly even after collecting a fat kick back from Opticom. Why would an 80-year-old medic who has had a failrly good career as an ENT specialist start going round collecting kick backs from the hospital suppliers? How does one explain Dr Irungu’s appettitte for money even at his age? Why is he embarassing his own children who are now grown up professionals in the medical field? Does he know that his new friend Herman Manyora is an extotionist waiting to go to the bloggers with damaging information about Dr Irungu and his friend Dr JA Aluoch?

The answer to this questions is the same. Dr Irungu is greedy and a glutton. He thinks that all the money in this world belongs to him and Kikuyus. So this is the reason why he doesn’t want policies to be in place so that he can force his way and award business to his cronies who then give him kickbacks. Over the last year, the Board has passed several policies against Dr Irungu’s wishes so that the governance proceses can be improved since the Hospital is a world class institution. Some of the policies in place including Human Resources Policy (which used to recently hire the ICT Director, Finance Director and the HR Director); Procedures Manual, Financial Management Policies, Credit Policy, Procurement/Supply Chain Policy (which Dr Irungu suspended when he was chairman to make way for his briefcase company Dynamc Nav in the now controversial ICT project), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy, Communication Policy and Social Media Policy, Digital Communication Policy, Research Policy and Business Continuity Policy. Dr Irungu is therefore an embarassment to his medical profession and the military where he served because this two institutions are known for ethical conduct and discipline. Irungu spends his time bribing board directors and senior staff in the Hospital so that he can have his way but it is not working. He has no idea that God and forces of good took charge at the hospital a long time ago because of the simple reason that the doctors, nurses and the support staff at nairobi Hospital are doing a commendable job saving lives when Dr Irungu is busy planning corruption to bring down an institution that Kenyans and Africans are so proud of. Ashindwe! At 80 years, why can’t he retire honourably? Does he know that he and his team has already lost the September elections? Instead of retreating to plan smart – which is what a good soldier does – he has decided to start a negative campaign against the hospital.

Dr Irungu should not think that if he is not the chairman, the hospital will not succeed. It will succeed in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Let him focus on the demonic acts at his freemasons. In fact he is spoiling the good name of some freemasons that we know of in this city. It is obvious that the reason he has hired goons like Herman Manyora (the only Kenyan who lies on TV that he is a professor yet he doesn’t even have a PhD degree; He should be sued for obtaining money by false pretence. We are gathering details of the several consultancies he has done masquerading as ‘Prof’ Manyora) and Ludmilla Shitakha (the Russian spy who has been operating under cover here for a long time. A parrot who talks too  much, she is now busy telling the Russian government how the Kenya Kwanza government is bad. Little wonder that it is the Russians who are funding elements known to support the ongoing Gen-Z rebellion against the government of William Ruto. We are blowing her cover very very soon).

Stay here for more juicy stuff about Dr Irungu’s corrupt activities in Nairobi Hospital over the last 3 years. Several hospital suppliers and service providers have given us shocking details that will make the current Gen-Z protests look like child plays.



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