Kenya College of Accountancy Champions accessibility for Challenge Based Learning

KCA University has joined hands with other stakeholders in a bid to improve Challenge Based Learning (CBL).

This according to the deputy vice-chancellor of academic affairs Prof. Joshua Bagakawill go a long way in improving the graduands’ employability, Prof. Bagaka says:

“The interaction today was about challenge-based learning to our students in the university. Which differs very much from traditional test papers and such.”

Buy in this case we are adopting A method where students are given real-world problems and they are challenged to solve them. We see that as a way to go because in that case, it prepares students for the real world. The second part is if we do that, then it means that the students will actually have to be ready and they won’t have to memorize for the exams.

“If we have challenge-based learning, it means each student will be addressing these challenges in different ways so there’s no memorizing and they will be focusing on problem-solving. KCA University is the pioneer in this thing and we are partnering with Lincoln University where such approaches have taken root.

In Kenyan universities we have had this tradition that the final exam accounts for 70% of the final grade. Such that what the students do throughout the trimester only accounts for 30%. The final exam can even account for 10 or 20%.”