A Kind Teacher and a mother awarded with a unique recognition

When teacher Joyce Sempela Malit did an act of humility and kindness to the pupil whose uniform was torn, she didn’t expect that a simple act of kindness would go a long way in propelling her in the World Map.

Teacher Joyce has been recognised as a role model who led by example.

Expeditions Maasai Safaris, the leading tour company in Kenya was not left behind in recognising that simple act which speaks volumes.

Pancras Karema is the Founder and Managing Director of Expeditions Maasai Safaris and he says:

“It’s a 3-Day all-expenses-paid holiday for Mwalimu Joyce and the 8-year old pupil for her compassion.

Pure Joy as we presented our token of appreciation to this wonderful woman, Teacher Joyce Sempela Malit. Together with her 8-year old pupil who could not make it for the presentation, they will fly to Pride Inn Flamingo and enjoy a 3-day all-expenses-paid holiday.”