Man of God Bishop David Munyiri Thagana of Glory Outreach Assembly (GOA). Nominated for DIAR awards.

The National Diversity and Inclusion Awards & Recognition (DIAR Awards), is an initiative that recognizes employers, institutions, organizations, and individuals who champion Diversity, and promote Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), in the workplace and society.

Bishop Thagana is a well-known cleric, outspoken, forthright, and charismatic Just to mention a few of his lengthy attributes.

He has now been nominated for a prestigious award and recognition.

“I have been nominated for the DIAR Awards under the Peace and cohesion Champions category. We now need you to support us win this award This is the procedure for voting him in. Your vote counts.”

The voting process is continuous as one can easily Click the link and select category No. 7 for Peace and cohesion Champions to vote for Bishop David Munyiri.

DIAR Awards are organized annually through a process of nomination, applications, and self-submissions, from individuals and organizations working in Kenya, and promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, through their groundbreaking initiatives, programs, and services. Digital takes this early lead to wish Bishop David Munyiri Thagana uccess in the contest.