African children summit, a forum to set a voice of reason for children in the community

Children’s committee coordinator Brian King has formally held talks to champion the African Children’s Summit objectives and the importance of involving children in decision-making processes.

King, has told SasaNews that children’s recognition is a vital part of society citing the importance of voices being heard in the community.

“It is important to recognize that children are a vital part of any society, and their voices should be heard in matters that affect them. When children are involved in decision-making processes, it not only empowers them but also leads to better outcomes for the community, the country, and the world in general.” Brian King affirms.

King says that at the African Children’s Summit, the group is aiming to amplify the voices of children in Africa through the provision of sharing experiences on the set platforms.

“At the African Children’s Summit, we are aiming to amplify the voices of children across Africa by providing a platform for them to share their experiences, concerns, and ideas. Through this summit, we hope to empower children and give them a sense of ownership over their future.” King says.

African Children’s Summit

The summit has ventured to various objectives to create the space for the voices of children to be heard at all given times.

Among the key roles of the group are, Generate and share evidence-based child rights concerns and challenges in Africa, Propose key policy recommendations on how Africa can address child protection challenges, Documentation and packaging of key issues like advocacy asks and recommendations into an outcome statement, to recognize State parties, organizations, and individuals contributing to the well-being of children in Africa, A Communique statement with policy recommendations and advocacy asks to be shared with Regional bodies, UN, Governments, and CSOs, A report on the child rights concerns and challenges in Africa, to show the world how children’s events are supposed to be organized to create a basis for An action plan on children’s involvement of children in Africa.

The group has ardently confirmed they are in the process to raise their voices sighting that when an opportunity arises they will be of impact on society and are about to bring a change of reason.

“We want to prove that when given the opportunity to contribute to their communities, children can have a significant impact and Can Contribute Solutions to problems facing them For example, there are many other simple but inspiring stories of children who have started community gardens, organized environmental clean-up drives, or raised awareness about social issues,” King speaks.

Daniel Mulati – summit coordinator and child participation manager at Mtotonews, has encouraged the creation of the position and platform for children terming the generation a critical to invest in children.

“Provided with skills, opportunities, and space to engage, the world’s children today can become the largest generation of leaders, entrepreneurs, and change-makers the world has ever seen. Now is a critical time to continue investing in their development and make sure that they are equipped to seize opportunities provided by facilitating intergenerational learning.” Daniel Mulati – participation manager, Mtotonews.

The Summit is set to be held in Nairobi between the 10th – 12th of April and anticipated to be graced by over 100 Children from across Africa, Prof. Philip Jaffe – the Vice Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Dr. Najat M’Jid Maalla – the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children, members of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, CJ Martha Koome, Justice Teresiah Mumbua Matheka – Chairperson of the NCAJ Standing Committee on Access to and Administration of Justice for Children in Kenya.

Finally, King has said that children play a vital role in decision –making calling the summit a showcase platform for the children.

“These initiatives not only benefit the children involved but also contribute to the betterment of their communities, involving children in decision-making processes is crucial for the development of a strong and vibrant society. The African Children’s Summit is an excellent opportunity to showcase the potential of children and to encourage their participation in shaping their future.” Brian King affirms.