Akiba na Mrembo Program a Game Changer

“Bahati Member of Parliament The Honorable Irene Njoki aka Mrembo na Kazi has continued to implement her Akiba na Mrembo Program,” she notes.

“Financial mobilization is one of the pillars under the AKIBA NA MREMBO EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM. Groups are trained and guided on how to access government affirmative funds.

Today, Bahati Mp Hon Irene Njoki paid a courtesy call to Youth Fund CEO Mr. Josiah Moriasi to discuss on the possible partnership between her office and the Youth Fund office so that Bahati youths can be trained and facilitated to access and benefit from Youth Fund’s interest-free loans.

Youth Fund offers a variety of loans to individuals and groups in the youth bracket. Hon Irene Njoki is calling upon bahati youths to take advantage of these interest-free loans with flexible repayment terms to grow their own SMEs and in return create more employment for themselves and for their fellow youths.