The Ministry of Labour, Social Protection, and Senior Citizen Affairs through Directorate of Children’s Services have led preparations towards International Missing Children’s Day (IMCD).

Speaking during the International Missing Children’s Day Dr. Waruinge Muhindi from Directorate Services for Chidren added that the international Missing Children Day celebrated on May 25th advocates for child issues and Measures taken to address the problems they face.
The Day also has a measure that ensures “Empowering Communities to SafeGuard Children and Young People From Going Missing.”

Present during the occasion were various institutions like; Office of Director Public Prosecution, Medical Social work Students, Kenya Medical Training College and JKUAT who were the Host.

Directorate of Children’s Services observed that,Trafficking of Children is an isssue that should be dealt with.

“A child is a person who has not attained an age of 18 years. Children tend to go Missing due to various reasons including; family issues, Seperation of the parents, Kidnapped, poverty and a Child ends up being a victim of Child Labor, accidents and Natural Disasters like flood that displce people from homes, Some cultural Practices like female genital mutilation, mental illness, Peer pressure.” Said Athena Morgan from International Centre for missing and exploited children.

Childrens who are missing undergo deterorieted health, and many other things. It is crucial to report any Child who is missing immediately a parent or guardian does not know where their child is.


“This is how it works when we receive reports after Receiving the information on Missing Child, we record the report, start the investigation, go to people Nearby, search and use the information given by the community to search for the Child.
For missing children and young adult One can Call/dial the DCI number 0800722203.” Said Lawrence Okoth Detective from DCI Unit for Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Protection Unit.

When the Missing child is found experts on Children matters recommend therapy for the victims to heal properly from either mental or physical harm.

In 1983, U.S. President Ronald Reagan proclaimed May 25th “National Missing Children’s Day.”

The proclamation followed the 1979 disappearance of a six-year-old boy, Etan Patz, on his way to school in New York City. The case generated widespread indignation, and concern for missing children rose across the nation. Since the United States began remembering missing children in this way, other countries around the world have adopted similar commemorations.

25 May is now widely known as Missing Children’s Day, with the forget-me-not flower as its emblem. In 2001, 25 May was first formally recognized as International Missing Children’s Day (IMCD), thanks to a joint effort on the part of the GMCN, Missing Children Europe and the European Commission.

Since 2009, IMCD has received support by disseminating a unified global message. The movement continues to grow. Every year, more countries commemorate IMCD, acknowledging the need for a harmonized response to protect vulnerable children.