Bishop Thagana Celebrated as Not Just a Father But a Role Model

Founder Bishop of Glory Outreach Assembly His Grace Bishop David Munyiri Thagana was celebrated as an icon, leader, role model, destiny connector and even a father and a grandpa during the world Fathers Day.

The celebrations took place at *Glory Outreach Assembly Headquarters at Kahawa Wendani.

The humble, forthright, sharp and A Man Full of God’s Grace and Wisdom Bishop Thagana noted:

“Such a day of Father’s day is fundamental to celebrate the toil and hardwork that our Fathers embody. It’s also a day to celebrate the good fathers who out of different circumstances are not able to celebrate such a chance.

In Glory Outreach Assembly we empower people in order for them to embrace their duties as Fathers.

Today we are celebrating more than *790* orphans and vulnerable children who have gone through our eight childrens homes and most of them are here to celebrate with us representing 400 others spread across the eight homes cutting across Kenya.

We are also co-celebrating today because of the award I recently won ” The DIAR award in recognition of being a peace and cohesion champion, especially when I was preparing people ahead of the elections so that they could embrace peace , love and unity.

It’s my appeal to all Fathers to take up their responsibility as a head of a family and a good role model to their children and provide unto them all the basic needs through practicing their fatherhood.

Fathers should cease being forced to take up their responsibilities and this goes to “dead beat” fathers who abscond parental roles.

The Government is keen to emphasise that by 2032, no child should either be in the street or in a home. By then all children should and must have be reintegrated in the family unit.

So this calls for concerted efforts in empowering the communities in order for them to have the requisite capacity to handle those disadvantaged children.”

Bishop David Munyiri Thagana is a highly respected cleric, because he is forthright, principled and leads by a good example. He is also the General Secretary of the Federation of Evangelical and indigenous Christian Churches of Kenya.