COP27 Forms Special Parliamentary group

  • The Global Parliamentary Group will comprise representation from elected and Nominated Members of Parliaments who will be mandated to Champion and Push for the formulation and Implementation of  Laws governing Climate Change and its effects.

The world will now have a special Parliamentary Group whose core mandate will be to look into matters of climate change affecting various countries on various continents.

The Special Parliamentary Group was Launched on November,10th 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt at a side event during the COP 27 Conference on Climate Change.

The Global Parliamentary Group will comprise representation from elected and Nominated Members of Parliaments who will be mandated to Champion and Push for the formulation and Implementation of  Laws governing Climate Change and its effects.

Presented at the Launch were members of Parliament from Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, along with Nicholas Dunlop Secretary General of the Climate Parliament.

The meeting that was moderated by Laurence Tubiana architect of the Paris Agreement, discussed the role elected officials can play in implementing the governments’ climate pledges.

Kenya was represented by Homa-bay Senator, Moses Kajwang and nominated Senator Miraj Abdillahi.

Also present were Amira Saber, Member of Parliament, Egypt; Dr Salisu Mohammed Dahiru, Director General, Nigeria Climate Change Council, Rebecca Kamara Member of Parliament, Sierra Leone and Nicholas Dunlop, Secretary-General, Climate Parliament

“Climate Parliament Global brings together MPs from all continents who are passionate about providing solutions to the climate crisis,” said Senator Kajwang’.

“Elected politicians have the strongest mandate to decide on an accelerated global energy transition, elected politicians have the power to make the big decisions on saving our great forests, and the other steps needed to control Climate Change. With the Paris target of 1.5C in danger of slipping away, it is time for elected members of parliament and congress to get more heavily involved in global, regional, and national decision-making on the implementation of the Paris Agreement,” reiterated Laurence Tubiana architect of the Paris Agreement.

The Global Parliamentary group resolved to carry out oversight and to demand accountability from national governments on how far they have gone in implementing respective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement.