Dedan Kimathi Foundation (DKF) Nurtures Aberdare Forest

The Dedan Kimathi Foundation under the wise leadership of the Chief Executive Officer Madam Evelyn Kimathi has embarked on a reafforestation program in the Aberdare Forest.

Aberdare forest is historically important as it provided cover to Dedan Kimathi and other Mau Mau Freedom fighters in the 1950s as they engaged the British colonialists. It is a home to many bird species and wild animals besides waterfalls in it acting as major tourists attraction.

In efforts to restore the forest to its former glory, Dedan Kimathi Foundation in partnership with Kenya Forest Service collaborated with Wanjerere Community Forest Association to plant 10,000 indigenous tree seedlings as the county launched the Long rains tree planting season running under the theme: “30% TREE COVER NI WAJIBU WETU” The 10, 000 tree seedlings were planted in Wanjerere and Kagongo Forest beats both in Wanjerere Forest Station that sits in Mathioya and Kangema sub counties of Murang’a. The planting was for rehabilitation of the 2 sites that the locals used to cultivate on under the PERIS program.