Employ more Biomedical Engineers and Build Capacity for the existing Biomeds

B.Eng Millicent Alooh HSC, Secretary General AMEK

Biomedical Engineers in the country have urged the government to consider enhancing their capacities so that they are at par with the sophisticated modern equipment.In an exclusive interview with B.Eng.Millicent Aloo HSC , the Secretary General for the association of Medical Engineering of Kenya, AMEK, she said there are so many gaps that ought to be bridged.
“Time and again we see the government taking medics for further training but the biomedical engineers are usually left out. We are calling for the government to involve and engage us so that our Biomeds can be factory-trained on the repair and maintenance of the modern cancer equipment which keep evolving technologically. This will ensure uninterrupted service delivery to the clients. We have the capability yes, but the factory training is the most paramount..”
B.Eng Alooh also reiterated the need to employ more biomedical engineers at county level as there’s acute shortage of biomeds making it difficult to have specialization on cancer equipment.
“We need more biomedical engineers employed to maintain these equipment ,so many qualified biomeds are jobless yet the work is overwhelming for the few who are employed,we need to support the government to provide seamless service to our cancer patients by maintaining these cancer equipment, therefore employ the biomeds”