Mombasa politics has been one of the county’s politics raising alarms after Kiambu County. Mombasa county governorship politics in specific gained a twist after the entry of a candidate that was not expected he would at all think of wanting to contest for governorship in Mombasa.
Mombasa residents are used to hearing Abdulswamad Sharrif Nassir, Hassan Sarai, and the most commonly stated names they get to hear daily to get shocked as Mike Sonko stated his bid to run for the governorship seat in Mombasa.
Nairobi’s former governor Mike Sonko decided to join Mombasa politics to try his luck since vying for Nairobi again was a total fail for him or what people call ‘dead on delivery’. Luck seemed not to be on his side time around since the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has disqualified him and his running mate to continue contesting in Mombasa’s governorship race.
Wafula Chebukati who is the chairperson of IEBC stated that when one is removed from office for reasons of violating his office he is not allowed to hold any other office quoting the constitution in chapter 6 of the Kenyan constitution that states “when one is dismissed or removed from office for contravening violating the office will be disqualified from holding any other state office.
Mike earlier made efforts of making his case be done away with but his efforts fell on deaf ears. He has earlier been seen making appeals to the court concerning his case, asking for it to be done away with, but it was all in vain.
Reactions have been seen however concerning his loss in the race. They have stated that the appeals he made to the courts are subject enough to make him go on with his campaigns of vying for governorship since he is innocent until proven guilty. Others have argued about how he should be given the last chance to prove his innocence by vying for the seat.
Mike Sonko has left the race to the rightful owners. The ones that fully understand more about the county and tactics of how to soothe their people into vying for them as governors in the coming general elections.
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