July 7, 2024
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27th October 2021, Kenya Meaningful Business, a global platform for leaders
combining profit and purpose, has announced the 3rd edition of the Meaningful
Business 100 (MB100) recognising outstanding contributions of individuals in
support of the UN Global Goals, sponsored by EY.

The award received over 500 nominations from 70 countries, following a global
nomination process. Curated by an expert panel of 21 judges, including Nikhil Seth,
Assistant Secretary-General, UN; Stasia Mitchell, Global Entrepreneurship Leader,
EY; Paul Lindley, Founder, Ella’s Kitchen; Moky Makura, Executive Director, Africa
No Filter and Sancia Dalley, SVP, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, each nominee
was scored across five key areas: Durability, Impact, Innovation, Leadership and

The 100 business leaders include corporate CEOs, entrepreneurs, micro-
entrepreneurs, sustainability leaders, functional heads and impact investors from 33
countries. 26 of these leaders are based in Africa, from Congo, Egypt, Kenya,
Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda and Zambia.
Commenting on the MB100, Tom Lytton-Dickie, Founder & CEO, Meaningful
Business said, “Congratulations to the African cohort within this year’s MB100, who
represent the best of what business, entrepreneurship and social innovation can be.
These individuals are dedicating their work to tackling a range of pressing social and
environmental issues across Africa, focusing on topics to include; access to
healthcare, clean energy, financial inclusion, quality education and urban mobility,
providing hope and inspiration to us all.”

“These business leaders have demonstrated that running a truly sustainable and
innovative institution requires one to pursue financial returns and at the same time
respond to socioeconomic and environmental concerns. They are seizing the
‘COVID Kairos’ and giving us a blueprint of what successful businesses will look like
for the next decade and years to come,” said Nuru Mugambi, sustainable finance
policy expert and 2021 MB100 Judge.

Meaningful Business is devoted to creating a unified platform for these leaders to
collaborate and share knowledge in order to amplify their positive impact in support
of the UN 2030 agenda.

The 2021 MB100 winners from Africa are:
● Abdulrhman Elhalafawy, Chief Business Officer, Cupmena (Egypt)
● Adebowale Onafowora, MD & CEO, Bic Farms Concepts (Nigeria)
● Adeshina Adewumi, CEO, One Kiosk (Nigeria)
● Adesuwa Okunbo Rhodes, Founder & Managing Partner, Aruwa Capital
Management (Nigeria)
● Arnolda Shiundu, Head of Sustainability and Community engagement, Kenya
Breweries (Kenya)
● Ashok Shah, Group CEO, APA Apollo Group (Kenya) and many more as attached below link of Meaningful Business

About Meaningful Business:

Meaningful Business is a curated network of progressive leaders across the world,
combining purpose and profit to help achieve the UN Global Goals. The platform is
focused on content creation, knowledge sharing and meaningful connections,
bringing leaders together across geography, industry, role and company-size, to
share and collaborate, resulting in increased positive impact. The community
consists of Founders, CEOs, Impact Investors, Sustainability Heads, Humanitarian
leaders and academics across 90+ countries.

About EY

EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for
clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets.
EY Ripples, the EY global corporate responsibility program, sets forth a vision to
positively impact one billion lives by 2030. Through EY Ripples, individuals and
organizations in the EY network can create a positive impact by supporting the next
generation workforce, working with impact entrepreneurs, and accelerating
environmental sustainability.
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member
firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst
& Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide
services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a
description of the rights individuals have under data protection legislation are
available via ey.com/privacy. EY member firms do not practice law where prohibited
by local laws.

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