About 2% of the population worldwide is homeless. That’s a small percentage, right? But surprisingly that’s around 154 million people, a closer estimate of the whole Russian population living in the cold, getting rained on, being murdered, lacking basic and psychological needs with no little hope of living.
It had never crossed my mind that a lot of people are homeless minus the normal street kids that we keep on knocking at in town until I watched LEAD ME HOME a documentary that was shot in the US explaining how 500,000 Americans experience homelessness every night having to survive on drugs to just feel okay.
Have you ever asked yourself what homelessness is? From a recent survey that I carried out I found out that almost 50% of Kenyans do not know what homelessness is. Every reply was homelessness is lacking where to sleep but shock on you the definition is way too far from this.
Being homeless is staying in a place that is not suitable for human inhabitation, living in an emergency shelter, in transitional housing, somewhere unsafe for even one’s health but they have no choice.
All in all, it’s now time we start being each other’s keepers and think of how we’ll eradicate all citizens sleeping in the cold to somewhere safe. Leaders from all over can come together and raise funds that will enable build one big block that we know will not accommodate them all but will at least have reduced the numbers.
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