Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society Calls for Concerted Efforts To Eradicate FGM

The Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society abbreviated as KOGs has denounced the Female Genital Mutilation which is still rampant in some parts of the country.

According to statistics, Female Genital Mutilation/ cutting is still at 15% and KOGs President Dr. Kireki observed that the 15% is still a worrying statistic and that the percentage should be brought to zero according to the outlook of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Speaking in the sidelines of the 47th Annual Scientific Congress, Dr. Kireki was also categorical in calling for medics to join the campaign against the vice after details of medicalization of the FGM emerged.

Roseline Gollo, is an FGM survivor from Isiolo and she is calling upon everyone to amplify the voice in denouncing the outdated practice.

“I underwent the most severe form of Female Genital Mutilation which caused me unimaginable trauma and pain. I wouldn’t wish any other girl including my daughter to undergo such a horrific act,” Roseline concluded.