KEPROBA Heightens The Made In Kenya Initiative

Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency supports the Made in Kenya initiative to promote and enhance the competitiveness of Kenyan products both locally and internationally.

The Agency strives to diversify Kenya’s export base, increase export volumes, and expand the country’s export markets. It works closely with various stakeholders, including exporters, industry associations, local manufacturers, government agencies, and international partners, to achieve these goals. – Celestine Rono Ag. Director Strategy and Planning, Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency
In a one on one with Acting Chief Executive Officer Floice Mukabana notes,
“The Agency has been actively working with local supermarkets to raise awareness about the MadeInKenya initiative.

The Made in Kenya campaign aims at:
?Enabling consumers locally and abroad to immediately identify a product as Kenyan and then associate the product with quality and authentic Kenyan value.
?Creating a strong brand proposition for Kenyan-made goods and services centred on quality and authenticity.
?Enhancing the competitiveness of Kenyan products in the local, regional and global markets. –