Launch of Raphta Road Residents Association

During the Launch of Raphta Road Residents Association.

The residents of Raphta Road came together on Thursday 14th March to Launch their own Association.

The Association will give them one voice in securing the neighbourhood from proliferation of uncontrolled development, rising insecurity, erratic water and power, noise pollution and environment degradation.

Present at the Occassion was; Hon. Robert Alai MCA Kileleshwa ward, Residents, Chairman Raphta Road Resident Association, Architect Association of Kenya representatives, Kilimani Power, Local administration, KARA and Elected Representatives.

“We are launching to tackle issues like; Security, water shortage at Raphta and Electricity blackouts. Residents have so many other issues. We also realized we need partnership with other Organisations.
The regustration is also easy for new members as we also set up an office for the Association. This will enable the Association management is right towards engaging with members always in a smooth and easy manner.” Said the Chairman of the Association.

The occassion also showed the importance of uniting together as a Family.
One can also check the full information regarding the association in the website Raphta Road Residents Association.

Robert Alai MCA Kileleshwa Observed that, there is always a need to unite as a Society and use a smart way as learned people towards making plans for development. For roads safety, comfort and Mobility this is needed and Yesterday, I drafted a motion that looks to employ a plan that allows different faces to have integrated Systems.