Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Plans to Maximise the use of LPG Gas with strict Regulations Proposed

CS Davis Chirchir Ministry of Energy and Petroleum during a LPG Stakeholders meeting

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) today held a National
Stakeholder Workshop and Public Participation on the Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) National Growth Strategy at Kenya School of Government Nairobi.

The stakeholder Meeting was graced by the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Davis Chirchir, EPRA Director General Daniel Kiptoo and other Industry Stakeholders.

The meeting saw discussions on; Improvement on Current Market regulatory framework to solve any loopholes in terms of policies and regulations. The need to ensure that, regulators and traders adhere to the laws governing liquified Petroleum Gas.

“There is need to have value addition chain in the whole sytem through establishment of LPG Gas storage cylinders to different counties and reach the common mwananchi at an affordable price. Getting the price right, fair to the village people in kenya.
The people in rural areas to also stop buying charcoal and firewood. As a Government we are serious in delivering clean cooking and also save the environment.
We target to distribute Gas cylinder at 1kg at an affordable price, through also following all regulations required and locally Manufactured as part of bottom up economy model approach.” Said Davis Chirchir CS Energy and Petroleum.

He also appealed to the Stakeholders and energy sector to embrace the new regulations.

Yusuf Osman Chairman Enforcement Unit on LPG observed that, they are mandated to ensure no infringement on the LPG product is witnessed.
The trend of counterfeit LPG product must end and curbing this by proper pricing, harmonized licencing to curb counterfeit,
To enlighten the public on buying authentic and original products and through Curbing the illegal Gas trade.
Consumer are also advised to source the LPG products from Genuine sellers and dealers.

In addition, the Director General EPRA Daniel Kiptoo ibserved that, the problem on LPG needs to be solved by the LPG dealers.
There is need to be ready for price regulations, issues like inflation of gas cylinders should be delt with and also added that, Schools and Institutions are advised to turn to LPG gas inorder to save environment.
The incident of Gas explosion witnessed last month Embakasi was due to poor enforcement of the law. He further noted that,
Education to the consumers is also needed to avoid incidents such as that in future.