NCPWD in partnership with County government of Narok and other stakeholders Commemorated International Day of persons with disabilities

Today the National Council for Persons with Disabilities in partnership with County government of Narok and other stakeholders Commemorated International Day of persons with disabilities in Narok County at Ole Ntimama Stadium.
The observance of the International Day for Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. Over the years, the Council in collaboration with other stakeholders has continued to ensure that the Day is celebrated annually. These celebrations are held on a rotational basis where every county is given an opportunity to host the celebrations, this year Narok County was privileged to host this important calendar day.
The 2022 global observance to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is around the overarching theme of innovation and transformative solutions for inclusive development, under the theme “???????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ???????????: ??? ???? ?? ?????????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??? ????????? ?????.”
Celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities propels spreading awareness of the many positive effects of integrating persons with disabilities into society. One of the biggest issues facing those with disabilities in today’s society is marginalization and exclusion. For a myriad of reasons, those with disabilities are often shut off from key aspects of society, in terms of social circles, workplaces, cultural life and more.
This is extremely isolating and can severely affect the mental health of those being excluded. Celebrating this day therefore is very important so that it is used to emphasize the inclusion of all people in all aspects of life especially persons with disabilities.
Some of the activities which were incorporated in today’s celebrations in Narok includes: Presentations of scholarship cheques, assorted assistive devices, tools of trade, issuance of the new generation of disability cards and other disabilities charities to persons with disabilities.
The event was graced by Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection Hon. Florence Bore, hosted by Narok County Governor Hon. Patrick Ntutu Speakers emphasized on strengthening on discrimination policies, improving accessibility and assessing employment diversity.
In her speech the Cabinet Secretary applauded the disability sectors in the country which are making progress in supporting persons with disabilities in accessing to talent by focusing on skills rather than stereotypes, increasing innovation in employees with diverse experiences, increasing engagement and retention of employees who now feel included, which many organizations are now showing real commitment towards inclusion.