Why Luo-Nyanza must reject bigmanism to end poverty and neglect

Nyanza is among the regions that have suffered political isolation and economic neglect from successive governments for decades.The region is synonymous with the political intolerance and violence. Despite being defeated by a wafer-thin margin in the last year’s general election, Hon. Raila Odinga could be planning to give presidency another try in the year 2027. But he faces new rebellion in Nyanza- his heartland of opposition.

The rebellion is as a result of bad politics and an intentional lack of leadership sustained by cheap propaganda, with the result of economic inequality and poverty. Everyone is aware of the insane and empty political promises, and the non-delivery of the Kenya’s political parties’ manifestos.

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time once said: a new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels. Everyone in Nyanza relates to this. Its time we viewed our politics in a different way, if we are to compete with other regions. Without which, the region could not get through the next few years as good governance defines the processes and structures that guide political and socio-economic relationships.

The bigmanism and Odingaism

A person can evidently say that things are not quite right. Even steering the region still does not seem to be Baba’s priority. Instead, at his old age, and as one of the second liberators, he is still consumed with big man syndrome.
Planting his families and cronies to political seats, and plum government jobs in Nyanza is a sign of dominance of an individual who strives to achieve absolute rule and control over others deemed as ‘subjects’. This phenomenon has transitioned the Luo nation into ‘political clientelism’.

The ODM politicians-all levels considered, have become brokers of specific services and resources for political support. Majority do not serve the people, but the master and their own selfish interests. It involves the relationship between unequals, in which the major benefits accrue to the patron. Clientelism facilitates personal favours such as job offers or appointments by the big man to individuals in order for the big man to sustain rule or power. The master’s needs, ideas, and desires are overriding; they erase the needs, ideas, and desires of constituency members.
Another worst sign of bigmanism is when Nyanza leaders belittle all other ideas and belief systems. They forget that people change. Voters also change. Ideas evolve too. Not every fresh idea should be attacked by second liberation shenanigans. Many young upcoming politicians who ever challenge the authority of the Babaism are punished, publicly humiliated, shunned, or kicked out, and often portrayed as enemy traitors. This poor leadership has totally and brutally deformed the upcoming, and development oriented young leaders.
The Luo nation cannot remain a region only symbolic with poverty at the expense of mean leaders. Majority of whom ideas do not match with the development needs of the people. For that reason, other regions have politically shamed, mocked, dehumanized us with unskilled expressions of hatred.

Strengthened Devolution

The devolved system of government raised hopes of addressing the economic imbalance. However, there is dire need to offer incentives to attract private investors to counties. Poor investment plans and an ineffective mining policy remain impediments. For example, Homa Bay and Migori are among the richest counties in minerals, but still in the poverty index. Priorities must switch to the under-exploited mineral deposits and advanced agriculture.
To achieve this, the region requires leaders of the highest calibre to man its resources. Policy intervention is necessary for long-term growth. This starts with us, the young leaders who have suffered in the hands and interests of selfish politicians.
The old leadership deteriorated long time ago. It is time the youth, women, and the likeminded people stepped out and smelt the coffee. We cannot have the region remain a symbol of poverty and political neglect. Change begins with us, and that is the tenet of democracy.

Nyanza has had enough

Times have changed. In the year 2023, ability to ferrying the youths and women to stadiums for food and cheap t-shirts is long gone. Radicalization of youths to throw stones and destroy businesses in streets is over. That is why as officials of the newly registered National Democracy Expansion (NDEP) party, have decided we are going to make a stand and fight against the status quo in Luo land.
As youths, we have agreed to look at politics differently for the benefits of everyone, not a few individuals. We must make a difference. We are currently holding our collaborative regional youth chapters to have a way forward.
The movement strives to introduce a new era of optimism and hope. We are shifting focus on sustainability development. As youths, our ideology is aligned to supporting the environmental mitigation actions such as reafforestation, renewable energy, agriculture and integrating nature-based solutions into development plans. Something Nyanza seldom has.
We will be restoring the broken trust among the voters by involving them in the fight against a broken political system. We must collapse the unjust and corrupt Luo nation. With the help of the people of the region, we will show what could be accomplished. But only with the courage to stand up for what is right and not be afraid to challenge the power of the elite.
It’s time to inject servant leadership in Nyanza. This is the only way out. Fresh leaders with focus on social economic development. As young leaders, we must stop the mythical stories about our leader’s divinity or his wisdom, or blame outsiders for driving him off the deep end. Instead, our conversation is focussing on enhancing youth-led green economy businesses across different value chains. We are ready to discuss politics of innovation, creativity and value creation in the society.
May we all become free, and in turn, free others from bigmanism syndrome.

Thadeus Jakababa is the Secretary General of National Democracy Expansion Party (NDEP).