Winnie Success Story in Mitumba Business from egg selling in the streets


Winjoy Kananu in her business empire
Winjoy Kananu in her business empire

As life is a circle,  majority have chosen to take it in different angles as the writer can tell the story of Winjoy Kananu a youthful entrepreneur literally ventured in second hand clothes.

The lady Winjoy started small. She didn’t despise her humble beginnings.

The writer tells how she started selling eggs. After a while switched to selling fruits the power of hardwork paid off and she eventually started opening bales.

In an interview, she alludes to the writer that her greatest driving factor is passion.

She says,

“It’s all about passion. When selling fresh things they can sometimes disappoint you due to their perishable nature. But the moment you sell clothes it’s so fulfilling.”

Kananu says that passion is all the drive to success as it remains the true pillar.

“In business it’s all about passion. Do something that can motivate you so that by doing so you can become your Chief Encourager Officer.”

She sources her second hand clothes from the United Kingdom.

The writer tells that Kananu advises the youths to step out and do so with faith. It’s all about ”kujituma.” Start small. Give it your all and finally you shall succeed.

Winjoy delivers her clothes to her clients locally and even across borders serving clients in South Sudan, Nigeria Tanzania and South Africa.

“The African Market is magnanimous. That’s why I’m currently looking into means of transportation to deliver to them.” Kananu notes.

Kananu has however stood her ground to advise those wishing to pioneer in these business to avoid giving up.

“Don’t give up. Being your own Boss is the greatest feeling, you manage yourself observe Self Discipline and in business never quit. Stay focused and give your business at least One year to break even. Let Passion be always your driving factor.” She concluded.