Kenya to Gain on Food System Transformation through launched New Book

During the launch of Food System transformation in Kenya Book.

By James Nyaigoti,

The Ministry of Agriculture through livestock Department has partnered with The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) to the launch of a Book on Food System transformation in Kenya.

The launched book will adress food Systems transformations with an aim to sustainably end hunger, Poverty and cater for vulnerable groups in the Society hence ensuring economic development.
The book had more than 54 Authors and experts in research on policies and agriculture.

The disruptions caused by COVID-19, high levels of food price inflation and environmental crises such as locust infestations and droughts, have severely tested the resilience of Kenya’s food systems and the affordability of food for its citizens. Against this backdrop of challenges and ongoing demographic shifts, urbanization, and stagnating agricultural production, the need for reexamination of the approach to food systems has never been more critical.

The new book published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in close collaboration with Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), Food Systems Transformation in Kenya analyses Lessons from the Past and Policy Options for the Future aims to respond to this imperative by bringing together a wealth of empirical research on various aspects of Kenya’s food system and offering a comprehensive overview of its historical trajectory and possibilities for future evolution.

With chapters authored by Kenyan and international experts, this collaborative work presents both a bird’s-eye view of the Kenyan food system and in-depth analyses of its components. Rigorous economic research provides unique insights into both broad policy themes and specific actions that can position Kenya as a global leader in tackling the challenges of food-system-led transformation.

The Hon. Mithika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary, Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, noted in the foreword of the book, “We look forward to the Ministry’s continued collaboration with IFPRI, CGIAR, and other partners in creating research-based policy recommendations that will lead to a brighter, healthier future for all Kenyans.”

Principal secretary Livestock department
Jonathan Mweke who represented the Cabinet Secretary Agriculture observed that, the Government is focussing on Value addition views. Subsidies on Agriculture are important and hence why the Gvt is keen on icreasing production with focuss also on quality.

Gideon Obare Executive Director, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, noted that with the Launch of the Book, Tegemeo readfirms its support on this.Policiess on Agriculture are very important and the Food system transformation agenda is key towards realizing sustainable food policies.
At the research levels there are challenges like inadequate human capacity, finance engagement of stakeholders.

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition. IFPRI’s strategic research aims to identify and analyze alternative international and country-led strategies and policies for meeting food and nutrition needs in low- and middle-income countries, with particular emphasis on poor and vulnerable groups in those countries, gender equity, and sustainability. It is a research center of CGIAR, a worldwide partnership engaged in agricultural research.


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